Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Congrats to Todd for his rocket successfully deployed a parachute and floated to the ground. The rocket was in the air for 12+ seconds and the egg lived so we doubled his time. Todd gets the 100 on this one. Good job.

From Rockets with Parachutes

From Rockets with Parachutes

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Rockets Away

Today, in Mr. Jaggers' General Physics class, the students launched their bottle rockets. The students had to build a rocket that would carry an egg. The rules were, the longest time in the air gets the 100 for a grade. If the egg survives the trip, the time is doubled. Todd's rocket was in the air the longest (6.52 s) but his egg broke. Lindsey and Natalie's egg stayed alive, so they received the 100. Check out the videos.


Lindsey and Natalie

Cody and Keisha

Tyler and Jacob